Pneumatic motor for MiJET


The pneumatic motor is available for all MiJET sizes. It is supplied without valve and fan. The fan is only secured with a screw. Loosen this and remove the fan from the defective drive motor. This allows you to attach the fan to the shaft of the new motor. Then fasten the locking screw again. The pneumatic motor is only clamped in the parts cleaner. The pneumatic motor is additionally secured by the external air pressure connection. This connection is screwed into the valve from the outside through the housing. You must also replace the valve when replacing the pneumatic motor. Unless you have also purchased a new valve. Please ensure that the valve is properly sealed again. The distance must also be maintained so that the pneumatic motor is ultimately centered in the housing.

If your fan does not stop or only stops slowly, the pneumatic motor may be the problem.

The valve can also cause the problem. In this case, the seals can be purchased as spare parts. The entire valve can also be replaced.

Also check your spiral hose and the blow gun for defects. Small cracks can cause leaks. This impairs the function of the valve. This leads to the malfunction mentioned above.


You can also send your device to us. Our team will take good care of your MiJet. Once the repair has been completed, we will return your device to you as quickly as possible.

If you have a problem with your MiJet, please contact our support team. Our team will advise you in detail.

MiJET products can be purchased in our store.

Are you already familiar with our activated carbon filter for MiJET parts cleaning systems? These are simply attached around the oil mist filter of the MiJET parts cleaner. This means you can also filter aerosols from the extracted vapors. Especially suitable for companies with DIN ISO 14001 environmental management certification. The additional filtering makes it possible to use cleaning agents. This allows you to clean and blow off the finished workpieces directly at your machine.

Technical data

without valve and fan