OnRobot Tools for collaborative robots

With its gripper tools for collaborative applications, OnRobot offers an extensive range for almost all well-known robot manufacturers. The grippers, sensors and tool changers help you take full advantage of collaborative and light industrial robots: for example, ease of use, cost efficiency and safety alongside workers.

In June 2018, OnRobot emerged as a global company from the merger of OnRobot of Denmark, OptoForce of Hungary, and Perception Robotics of the United States. Later, the Danish company Purple Robotics was acquired. All of the companies involved were known for developing unique technologies for collaborative applications. Together, they have an extensive product line that includes the best tools in the industry. These include grippers, sensors, tool changers, and software that enable small and mid-sized manufacturing companies to automate their processes like never before-quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively

With the simple plug-and-play solutions of the gripper systems, an application is learned in no time.

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